Dr. Atieno Samandari: "Human Rights and the Global Climate Regime"
March 15, 2018

Atieno Mboya Samandari, Postdoctoral Fellow and Adjunct Professor at Emory University School of Law, will present a lecture titled "Human Rights and the Global Climate Regime" at 5:15 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, in Room 2401 at the UNM School of Law, 1117 Stanford NE, Albuquerque.
Dr. Samandari will discuss her upcoming article with the Natural Resources Journal of the UNM School of Law, which examines the human rights implications of the market-based mechanisms operationalized under the global climate change regime and proposes allocation of carbon investment rights for developing countries as a means of promoting climate justice.
In conjunction with this topic, she will present an eco-feminist perspective on the neoliberal response to climate change.
Atieno Mboya Samandari holds a Master of International and Comparative Law from Georgetown University Law Center and a Doctor of Juridical Science from Emory Law School. She began her professional career as an environmental and women’s rights advocate in Kenya, followed by gender and law work in the Africa region for the World Bank in Washington, D. C.
She was a winner of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship and did her research on the role of human rights education in promoting democratic transitions in South Africa. Her current research and writing focuses on international environmental law and gender using a human vulnerability framework.
The presentation is hosted by the Natural Resources Journal of the UNM School of Law, the Women’s Law Caucus, and the Environmental Law Society.
No registration is required, and free parking is provided at the School of Law, 1117 Stanford NE, Albuquerque.
For more information, call Laura at 505-277-3253.
This program has been approved by the New Mexico MCLE Board for 1.25 General CLE credits from 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM.