Business Law Society By-Laws

Business Law Society Logo

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Business Law Society.

Article II: Object

The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum for students interested in business law.

Article III: Membership

Section 1: Any University of New Mexico Law Student shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2: The annual dues are $10.00, payable by October 1 of every year.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: The officers shall be 2 co-presidents (elected by staggered terms), vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.

Section 2: The officers shall be elected by hand ballot to serve for a term of one year.

Section 3: No member shall hold more than one office at one time and a member may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Article V: Meetings

Section 1: Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month during the academic year.

Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the president at the request of any member for the transaction of only such business as is stated in the call for the meeting.

Article VI: The Executive Board

Section 1: The officers of the organization shall make up the executive board.

Section 2: The executive board is the legal entity charged with the management and responsibility of the organization. The board shall establish the objectives of the organization and determine the policy for the development of such objectives.

Article VII: Committees

Section 1: The executive board reserves the right to appoint committees to undertake various ministerial duties.

Section 2: The president is ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 3: All committees are to make reports to the board and act only on the board's recommendations.

Article VIII: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of 21st Century Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all instances when they are applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws and any other special rules that the organization shall adopt.

Article IX: Amendment of Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the executive board at any regular or special meeting. All executive board members must be present at a vote for a proposed amendment. All executive board members shall receive a written copy of the proposed amendment at least 5 days prior to the scheduled vote on the proposal.

These Bylaws were adopted by the Executive Board on March 5, 1998 and reviewed on August 31, 2006.