Student Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding of Substantive and Procedural Law

Identify and understand legal concepts in core areas of law.

Legal Analysis and Reasoning

Identify and articulate the legal issues presented in a fact situation, identify and apply the relevant rules of law, and reach appropriate legal conclusions.

Legal Research

Have foundational knowledge of the legal system and legal information sources and be able to critically evaluate information, design efficient research strategies, apply information effectively to resolve specific legal issues, and distinguish between ethical and unethical uses of information.

Problem Solving

Analyze problems and develop and evaluate potential solutions and strategies for resolving them.

Professional Skills Needed for Competent Participation as a Member of the Legal Profession

Have professional skills needed for competent participation as a member of the legal profession, including the ability to collaborate effectively; the ability to manage time, effort, available resources, and competing priorities; the ability to navigate cultural considerations; and the ability to engage in reflective practice.

Professionalism and Ethics

Understand the values of the profession, including the importance of honesty and integrity, of community involvement and pro bono service, and of the responsibility to promote justice; conduct themselves professionally; and comply with all relevant legal rules.

Written and Oral Communication in the Legal Context

Speak and write clearly, logically, and effectively, in a manner appropriate to the audience and purpose.