Teaching Students For a Better Future

In addition to serving as New Mexico’s only service for the wrongfully convicted, NMIJP teaches UNM Law School students the red flags of wrongful conviction, such as eyewitness and how to investigate facts in complex cases.
“These students are the future of New Mexico,” says Gordon Rahn, Project Director. “They’re the ones who are going to be the prosecutors, defenders. They’re the ones who are going to go out into New Mexico understanding how wrongful convictions happen so that they can stop it before it happens.”
The Project is also working with other stakeholders in the criminal justice system in New Mexico to improve the handling and preservation of physical evidence, including possible reforms, that is vital to the post-conviction claims of the factually innocent incarcerated in New Mexico prisons.
“As a student, what’s interesting about IJP is that you have a real person in front of you, you have a real investigation that produces actual outcomes,” says Nicholas Davis, Class of 2014. “It’s one of several programs that the Law School offers that gives students practical experience. IJP helps distinguish UNM not just as a law school, but a lawyer’s school.” Read what students say about NM IJP
The New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project needs your support to ensure that justice is done in New Mexico, and that our U.S. and New Mexico Constitutions are fully applied and enforced for all.
Join others like yourself who want to see that justice is done in New Mexico.