Office of the Dean
Dean Camille Carey

Dean Camille Carey joined the UNM law faculty in 2009. Carey began her teaching career at Yale Law School, where she was a Robert M. Cover Teaching Fellow and Clinical Lecturer. She also established and taught the Domestic Violence Clinic. Carey's teaching and research interests include tort law, domestic violence, feminist legal theory, immigration, experiential education, and clinical legal education. She is currently conducting a qualitative and quantitative study of the experiences of domestic violence tort plaintiffs to identify whether pursuing a domestic violence tort claim against an abuser provides therapeutic, financial, and deterrence benefits.
Our mission is to educate and train students to become excellent lawyers who will enrich and serve local, state, tribal, national and international communities after graduation. We seek to maintain our long tradition of opening access to the profession. We also seek to make legal education more broadly available by educating practicing attorneys and non-lawyers in New Mexico. We endeavor to focus our resources on some of New Mexico’s most pressing legal needs through educational, research and service programs of national and international prominence. These goals track the University’s overall vision and mission to offer New Mexicans and others access to high quality educational, research and service programs; to operate as a significant knowledge resource for New Mexico, the nation, and the world; and to foster programs of international prominence that will place UNM among America’s most distinguished public research universities.
(Approved by the Law Faculty in 2007)
Anti-Discrimination Statement
The University of New Mexico School of Law is committed to an inclusive, accessible, and accommodating environment that celebrates the diversity of the members of the Law School community, inspires confidence in the legal profession and the legal system, and provides equality of opportunity for students, faculty, and staff.
In accordance with the ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools, University policy, and federal and state law, the Law School prohibits the use of admissions policies or other actions to preclude the admission of applicants or retention of students on the basis of actual or perceived membership in any of the protected classes listed below. In addition, the School of Law is committed to fostering and maintaining equality of opportunity for students, faculty, and staff without discrimination or segregation on the basis of actual or perceived membership in any of the following protected classes: age; ancestry; color; disability, including physical or mental disability; ethnicity; gender; gender identity or expression; genetic information; military or veteran status; national origin; parental status; pregnancy; race; religion; serious medical condition; sex; sexual orientation; or spousal affiliation.
Furthermore, use of the Student and Career Services Office at the University of New Mexico School of Law is available only to employers whose recruitment and employment policies are consistent with the foregoing statement and who affirmatively agree to abide by the statement.
Bar Passage
Uniform Bar Exam and UNM Bar Passage Rate
New Mexico has adopted the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) and has experienced a decline in bar passage rates due to significant changes in the exam. As a law school community, we are coming together in support of our students and graduates who are preparing for this exam. In addition to discussion with the State Bar Committee on Diversity in the Profession on the topic of increased resources and support, here are the UBE bar preparation and passage support services the law school offers to students:
- Offering of two 1-credit, pass/fail bar strategies courses
- Providing a free commercial bar strategies supplement
- Offering funds for students who need help covering the cost of a commercial bar course
- Providing incentives to complete at least 75% of prep courses
- Increasing discussions with students regarding testable subjects and related course planner
- Providing opportunities for students to hear from bar exam graders
- Providing opportunities for the Executive Director of the New Mexico Board of Bar Examiners (NMBBE) to speak with students
- Presenting lectures and discussions regarding testable subjects provided by practice area experts, including Professors Ted Occhialino and George Bach and Director of Academic Success Beth Kaimowitz
Bar Passage Next Steps
Short-term steps currently include:
- Leveraging alumni expertise, resources, and coaching
- Adding the bar preparation program developed by UNM Law graduate Mario Mainero, Professor of Academic Achievement and Director of Bar Services, Chapman University.
- Examining our faculty’s role(s) (underway): Incorporation of bar exam materials in teaching, crafting bar-style questions, cautioning against open-book exams
- Tracking and analyzing related data for use in creation, evaluation, and modification of services
- Collecting information regarding curriculum offered by commercial bar prep companies that can be integrated into juris doctor program
- Providing information to curriculum committee and related committees for consideration of potential curricular changes
Long-term steps currently include:
- Development of a bar preparation and bar passage outcomes taskforce, to include previous UBE graders and others to be charged with analyzing current results and strategically designing a responsive program
Additional details and updates on progress will be posted below as they become available.
- Update to Report of the Bar Passage Task Force - Jan. 2018
- Bar Passage Task Force Named
- October 2016 Upcoming Events for February Bar Exam
- September 2016 Email to faculty Mario Maniero Bar Prep
- Law School Community Bar Passage Rates Fall 2016 from Deans
- Fall 2016 Bar Data, Overview and Next Steps
- September 2016 Budgeting for the Bar, handout
- September 2016 The Testing Column, The Bar Examiner
- September 2016 UBE MBE and Faculty Teaching, handout
- April 2016 UBE with Course Planning, handout
- November 2015 New Mexico State Bar Exam Course Planning Map
For more information contact the Office of Student & Career Services.
Our Deans and faculty invite questions, comments, feedback, and suggestions regarding the ongoing process around bar passage and assessment of our efforts and opportunities for increased preparation, support and success. Submit your comments using the form below.