Gabe Pacyniak
Professor of Law
- J.D. 2010, Georgetown University Law Center
- B.A., 2001, New College of Florida
Contact Information
Gabe Pacyniak is the primary faculty supervisor of the natural resources and environmental law (NREL) clinic and also teaches doctrinal courses in the NREL program. The clinic provides law and policy representation to low-income and underserved communities on a broad range of NREL issues. Gabe has also taught or will be teaching environmental law, public utility regulation, and a climate change writing seminar. In addition, Gabe’s scholarship and policy work focuses on climate change and energy issues, particularly with an equity focus.
Gabe’s recent work has focused on ensuring that energy is affordable to everyone in the clean energy transition and on identifying the mechanisms being used to address equity in administrative rulemakings related to climate change. He and his clinic students also provide legal and policy support in the development of New Mexico’s Community Energy Efficiency Development Block Grant Act, and Gabe was a coauthor of New Mexico’s Grid Modernization Baseline Report.
Prior to joining the UNM faculty in August 2017, Gabe managed the climate change mitigation program at the Georgetown Climate Center and co-taught a climate change law and policy practicum course as an adjunct professor at Georgetown Law.
Gabe is a graduate of Georgetown Law and the New College of Florida. While in law school, he interned at the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change and on the staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee while the committee was drafting comprehensive climate change litigation. Prior to becoming a lawyer, Gabe worked as a community journalist in Washington, D.C.
In the News
- Bill Would Help Indebted Utility Customers, Albuquerque Journal (February 7, 2021)
- UNM announces next 'Grand Challenges', Albuquerque Journal (September 12, 2023)
- Study says New Mexico turning blind eye to several large polluters in climate change policy, Albuquerque Journal (February 5, 2023)
- How N.M. governor’s race may shift coal, CCS, E&E News (November 8, 2022)
Natural Resources and Environmental Law Clinic
Environmental Law
Please see instructor for course descriptions.
Keeping All The Lights On: A Roadmap to Affordable, Universal Electricity Service In the Clean Energy Transition, 50 Ecology L.Q. 93 (2023).
Available at: UNM-DR
Climate, Health, and Equity Implications of Large Facility Pollution Sources in New Mexico, PSE Healthy Energy and The University of New Mexico (2023) (co-authored with Angélica Ruiz, Shannon Sanchez-Youngman, and Elena Krieger)
Available at: UNM-DR
State Sequestration: Federal Policy Accelerates Carbon Storage, But Leaves Full Climate, Equity Protections to States, 14 San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law 95 (2023).
Available at: UNM-DR
Greening the Old New Deal: Strengthening Rural Electric Cooperative Supports and Oversight to Combat Climate Change, 85 MO. L. REV. 409 (2020).
Available at: UNM-DR
Making the Most of Cooperative Federalism: What the Clean Power Plan has Already Achieved, 29 GEO. ENVTL. L. REV. 301 (2017).
Available at: UNM-DR
New Strategies for Reducing Transportation Emissions and Preparing for Climate Impacts, 44 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 919 (2017) (co-authored with Vicki Arroyo and Kathryn A. Zyla).
Available at: UNM-DR
State Innovation on Climate Change: Reducing Emissions from Key Sectors, While Preparing for a “New Normal,” 10 HARV. L. & POL'Y REV. 385 (2016) (co-authored with Vicki Arroyo, Kathryn A. Zyla, and Melissa Deas).
Available at: UNM-DR
Controversy Reemerges Over Hiring, Review of Immigration Judges, 22 GEO. IMMIGR. L J. 805 (2008).
Available at: UNM-DR
Grid Modernization Baseline Report of New Mexico’s Electricity Sector, WHITEPAPER, New Mexico Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Department (2020) (co-authored with Jacqueline Waite and Daren Zigich).
Available at: SSRN
New Mexico’s Renewable Portfolio Standard: Analysis of Existing Policy Design Elements and Compliance Obligations Beyond 2020, WHITEPAPER (2018).
Available at: UNM-DR
An Examination of Policy Options for Achieving Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in New Jersey (Georgetown Climate Center, Rutgers University & World Resources Institute, 2017) (lead author).
Available at: UNM-DR
Reducing Transportation Emissions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic: Fuel System Considerations (Georgetown Climate Center, 2017) (co-author).
Available at: UNM-DR
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation: Opportunities in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic (Georgetown Climate Center and Cambridge Systematics, 2015) (lead author).
Available at: UNM-DR