Study Abroad for UNM Law Students - Statement of Study-Abroad Educational Objectives
Pursuant to paragraph I (A)(3) of the ABA “Criteria for Accepting Credit for Student Study at a Foreign Institution” (effective March 15, 2014), the University of New Mexico School of Law publishes this statement of the educational objectives it seeks to achieve in allowing students to study abroad for credit toward the J.D. degree.
The first objective is to afford our students an opportunity to be exposed to other legal systems and cultures, given the growing internationalization of law practice in the United States. The second objective is to prepare our students to represent clients from cultures and countries different from their own by enhancing their ability to communicate across cultures and/or in another language.
The ability to function effectively in a diverse society is an essential skill for UNM law graduates, most of whom practice in New Mexico, a state with a minority-majority population and a growing immigrant population. The state is also home to 22 federally recognized Indian tribes, each with its own legal culture and tradition. All of these factors make study abroad a valuable and important educational opportunity for UNM law students that will enhance their development into well-rounded lawyers able to meet the legal needs of a diverse mix of clients.