
Black Law Students Association Logo


Active membership of this Organization shall consist of any enrolled student or faculty member that have fulfilled the payment of membership dues and demonstrates a commitment to the purpose of the Organization.


All members shall pay dues pursuant to Article III, Section 4(A) of this Constitution. The amount shall be determined by the Board.

Executive Board

Section 1
Composition: The officers of the Organization shall be designated the Executive Board and shall be composed of the following members: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2
Powers of the Executive Board: The Board shall have a general power to administer any and all programs, projects, and matters pertaining to or concerning the Organization.

  1. The Board shall have the powers to create such staff positions and such committees as it deems necessary to carry out the business of the Organization. Such staff persons and committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President from the active membership subject to the approval of the Board.
    1. Appointed members are considered Board members to the extent that they may have the power to make motions at Organization meetings, if recognized, but are not considered Board members for the purpose of establishing quorum or voting on any programs, projects or matters of the Organization.
  2. Any decision of the Board shall be made at a duly called meeting at which there is a quorum.

Section 3
Board Approval: Board approval is defined as an affirmative simple majority vote by the Executive Board.

Responsibilities of Officers

Section 1
Duties of Officers

  1. President: The President of this Organization will be responsible for:
    1. exercising general authority over the business and activities of the Organization;
    2. chairing all meetings;
    3. serving as the BLSA representative;
    4. serving as ex-officio member of all Organization committees;
    5. Performing such functions and exercising such further duties as the Board may assign.
  2. Vice-President: The Vice-President of this Organization shall be responsible for:
    1. exercising general executive authority over the business and activities of this Organization, and chairing all Board meetings in the event of the incapacity of the President;
    2. performing such other functions and exercising such further duties as the President or the Board may assign.
  3. Secretary: The Secretary of this Organization shall be responsible for:
    1. Maintaining and distributing the minutes and agenda for all meetings of the Board and the Assembly;
    2. Distributing a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws for this Organization to each member;
    3. Coordinating internal and external communication of information;
    4. Serving as an ex-officio member of all Organization committees; and
    5. Performing such other functions and exercising such further as the President or the Board may assign.
  4. Treasurer: The Treasurer of this Organization shall be responsible for:
    1. Handling all funds of this Organization and ensuring that they are deposited in such facility, and in such manner, as the Board may designate;
    2. Assuring that entries are regularly made in the financial records, accounting for all funds received and disbursed by this Organization;
    3. Making regular financial reports to the Board;
    4. Co-signing with the President, Vice-President, or Secretary all financial documents as deemed necessary;
    5. Submitting an Organization Budget for the year at the first regularly scheduled board meeting, to include;
      1. Statement of accounts
      2. Statement of unpaid bills
      3. Statement of transfers between accounts
      4. Statement of income
      5. Detailed account of how all funds were used; and
      6. Detailed account of all anticipated expenses based on future program needs, history and accounting for emergencies; and
    6. performing such other functions and exercising such further duties as the President or the Board may assign.

Section 2
Succession of Officers: In the event that the President is unable to complete a term of office, the Vice-President shall automatically rise to the position of President for the remainder of the term. If the Vice-President is unable to fulfill this duty, an acting President will be elected by simple majority vote of the Board. In the event that any other Officer is unable to complete a term of office the Board shall elect a replacement to serve the remainder of the term. Such election will be coordinated by the Board.

Responsibilities of Advisor(s)

Provides feedback and evaluates the Organization's activities and goals. Provides support, resources and guidance to the Organization. Serves as a liaison between the Organization and other faculty, staff and administrators.


Officers will be elected on an annual basis by a majority of members that have paid dues. If a position becomes vacant at any time during the year, another person will be elected by a majority vote and will serve in that position for the remainder of the existing term. If a person is not fulfilling their duty as an officer, and the majority of active members vote to remove the officer will be required to vacate the position. The person removed has the right to appeal the decision.

Parliamentary Authority

Procedure: The Organization is empowered to establish its rules of order through the adoption of some form of parliamentary authority.

Section 1
Robert's Rules of Order: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws and any special rules of order the Organization may adopt.

Section 2
Interpretation: The Parliamentarian shall be the final authority, subject to Article III, Section 2(D) of these bylaws, to decide all questions of the interpretation and construction of the parliamentary authority and procedural rules of this association. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for providing all delegates with the current procedural rules.


Any active member can propose an amendment to both the constitution and bylaws of this Organization. In order for the amendment to be ratified, an affirmative vote of ¾ of active members is required.