Student Services
Contact Us

Bonnie Stepleton
Student and Career Services
Connect with a student who can discuss our Office of Career Services.
The small size of the student body at the UNM School of Law allows us to provide all of our students and graduates with individualized professional development assistance. We will also help connect you with a broad range of law practices and legal markets throughout the state.
Career Services can help you optimize the variety of practical learning experiences available at the UNM School of Law.
While in school you can develop valuable skills, experience, connections, and confidence, all of which will increase your post-graduate marketability and career satisfaction.
Services We Offer
- Individual career advising, including assistance in focusing career objectives and identifying relevant opportunities to develop practical skills.
- Individualized application material review and assistance, including resumes and cover letters.
- Mock interviews that simulate the format of various legal employers, such as traditional, panel, and behavioral interviews. Mock interviews with lawyers from our community can be arranged upon request.
- Support with your federal and state judicial clerkship applications.
- Assistance with fellowship proposal development and applications and connections to post-graduate host sites.
- Programs and workshops on topics such as resume and cover letter preparation, interviewing skills, career options, job search strategy, and networking.
Recruiting Programs, Job Fairs, and Networking Events
- Fall and Spring Recruiting Programs including on-campus interviews, application forwarding, and contact directly opportunities.
- Student Job Board listing current employment and externship opportunities year-round with firms, corporations, government offices, public interest agencies, and judges.
- National and regional recruiting events, information fairs, and networking conferences.
Job Search and Professional Development Resources
- Provide access to job openings, a customized professional profile, and personal and interview calendars through Connect by Twelve/twenty.
- Reciprocity privileges with law school Career Services offices nationwide.
- Support in accessing an interactive, alumni and friend-based professional network.
- A career resource library and guides found in Connect.
- Employment data encompassing type of employment, location, and salary.