Theodore Parnall
Professor Emeritus
- B.A. 1963, University of Michigan
- J.D. 1967, University of New Mexico
- Member of the New Mexico and New York bars
Contact Information
Ted Parnall had a 27-year career in U.S. legal education, including serving five years as dean of the University of New Mexico School of Law. In addition, he has worked as a long-term resident legal adviser in more than 10 overseas posts in countries as diverse as: Liberia, Senegal, Ethiopia, Egypt, Tunisia, Laos, Indonesia, Vietnam, Madagascar the Kyrgyz Republic and Serbia/Montenegro.
Following graduation from the UNM School of Law in 1967, he practiced law with Paul Weiss, Rifkind Wharton & Garrison, a major New York City law firm, where he specialized in corporate and securities law. From 1970 to 1997, he taught and advised on business-related subjects, including corporate law and international business transactions.
Since becoming emeritus professor in 1997, he has been the director of projects that include training for the judiciary and for public prosecutors, and he has helped design and implement legal information systems in several countries. His positions have often required a combination of skills including those of corporate legal technician, teacher, facilitator, mediator and administrator.
During the fall 2009 semester, Parnall was the Aitken Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Chapman School of Law, where he taught, "The Role of Law in Developing Countries and Countries in Transition" and "International Business Transactions."
Courses Previously Taught
- International Business Ethics
Lexicon of Words and Phrases in Selected Laws and Regulations of P.D.R. Lao (Asia Foundation 1992) (co-editor).
Liberia, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (1900).
Private and Limited Offerings in 1982: The Evolution of Regulation D, 12 N.M.L. REV. 633 (1982) (co-authored with Bruce Kohl & Curtis Huff).
Available from: NMLR
The Senegal Valley Authority: A Unique Experiment in International River Basin Planning, IND. L.J. 235 (1976) (co-authored with Albert Utton). Reprinted: 43 Ekistics 920 (1977).
Available from: UNM-DR
Use (or Abuse) of Limited Partnership in Financing Real Estate Ventures in New Mexico, 3 N.M.L. Rev. 251 (1973) (co-authored with Robert Heyman).
Available from: NMLR
A Survey of the Securities Act of New Mexico, N.M.L. REV. 1 (1972) (co-authored with Wilmer Ticer).
Available from: NMLR
Aliens and Real Property in Liberia, 12 J. AFRICAN L. 64 (1968).
Available at: JSTOR
Adverse Possession in Liberia, LIBERIAN L.J. (1967).
Liberia’s Statute of Intestate Succession, LIBERIAN L.J. (1967).
The Perils of Intestate Succession in New Mexico and Related Will Problems, 7 NAT. RESOURCES J. 55 (1967) (co-authored with Denny Ingram).
Available from: NRJ
Oil and Gas—New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission—Findings of Fact, 7 NAT. RESOURCES J. 425 (1967).
Available from: NRJ
Agency—Authority to Endorse Checks—Effect of Signature Cards, 6 NAT. RESOURCES J. 142 (1966).
Available from: NRJ
Malicious Prosecution—Necessity of Alleging Arrest or Property Seizure—Exceptions, 4 NAT. RESOURCES J. 584 (1964).
Available from: NRJ
Bar & Trade Publications
The Importance of On-going Assessment of Court Systems, 4.1 GRIFFIN’S VIEW (Netherlands, January 2003).
Current Issues in Criminal Justice Reform in Vietnam, 6.65 VIETNAM LAW & LEGAL FORUM (January 2000) (co-authored with Dr. Khuat Van Nga).
An Experiment in the Deregulation of Small Securities Offerings--New Mexico's 'K' Exemption, 1.2 NEW MEXICO SECURITIES BULLETIN (1987).
Foreign Investment and Economic Openness in Egypt: Legal Problems and Legislative Adjustments of the First Three Years, THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER (Fall 1978) (co-authored with Jeswald Salacuse).
Reprinted: Hallawell & Wallace, Negotiating Foreign Investments, A Manual for the Third World, IIE 1982.
Six issues of project-authored articles on various law-related activities, Resource Coordination Report, issued by the three UNDP/Hanoi law governance projects (1998-1999).
Egypt's Efforts to Attract Foreign Investment: A Post-Treaty Prognosis of the Reopening to the West, Middle East Executive Reports (June 1979).
Use of Law Reform for Economic Development: Lessons from the Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic. The Asian Regional Law Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. (The Asia Foundation of Cambodia, Lao P.D.R., Thailand & Vietnam) (September 1992).
Use of Free Zone Activity to Achieve Small-Scale Economic Benefits without Disruption of General Economic Policy: The Experience of Mexico and Tunisia. Ninth Annual Seminar of Private International Law at the Autonomous University of Ciudad, Juarez (October 1985) (co-authored with Charles DuMars).
Law School News
Former Dean and Emeritus Professor Ted Parnall Leads “Methods of Legal Analysis” Seminar
April 11, 2019Former UNM Law Dean and Professor Ted Parnall Completes Seventh Visit to Afghanistan
July 25, 2018Professor Ted Parnall’s new memoir recounts dedication to UNM School of Law and to legal education worldwide
July 20, 2017Clinton Marrs ('86) enjoys U.S. Supreme Court victory with UNM Law School faculty mentors
June 19, 2017Emeritus Professor Parnall's mission to develop fair, rule-oriented societies abroad
January 13, 2017Former Interior Department Official Joins the American Indian Law Center, Inc.
October 11, 2016Emeritus Professor Ted Parnall returns to Liberia as legal advisor
November 19, 2015Emeritus Professor Parnall Returns to Laos on Assignment for the United Nations Development Programme
November 24, 2014The Kathryn and Ted Parnall Scholarship for Law as an Instrument of Economic Growth and Social Development
November 14, 2013