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The nomination process will begin and end earlier for next year. To nominate someone you think is deserving of the Distinguished Achievement Award, please click below:
Closing date for 2025 nominations will be February 17, 2025
Watch the 2024 honorees' tribute films

Gloria Valencia-Weber is a Professor Emerita, Regents Professor, and Henry Weihofen Professor at the University of New Mexico School of Law. Since joining the faculty in 1992, she has been instrumental in establishing and leading the Indian Law Certificate Program, which has since gained recognition as one of the leading programs in the country.
Gloria’s early experiences shaped her passion for law and justice, leading to her enrollment into Harvard Law School (J.D. 1986), following her education at Oklahoma State University (B.A. 1970, M.A. 1974). With a lack of courses and teachings on Native American law, she did much of her learning on her own. After two federal judicial clerkships, Valencia-Weber founded the country’s first Indian Law Certificate Program at the University of Tulsa College of Law.
Appointed by President Barack Obama to the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation, Valencia-Weber has also been an instrumental voice in legal training for tribal officials and attorneys. Her publications focus on critical issues related to tribal sovereignty, and she is currently editing a book on Santa Clara Pueblo's membership laws, advocating for gender equality within the tribe.

F. Michael Hart’s prestigious legal career began in 1988, when he received his J.D. from the UNM School of Law. He started his practice shortly after as a child abuse attorney for the New Mexico Department of Human Services (now CYFD). Since then, Mike has devoted himself and his legal career to upholding the rights of the most vulnerable people throughout New Mexico.
In 1990, Mike started his private legal practice with Roger V. Eaton, Esq., and represented civil cases for sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Mike has become a premier lawyer for children’s civil issues in New Mexico and he remains a constant resource for all lawyers, judges, and legislators as well as NMTLA members on the protection and rights of children.
Additionally, Mike has been appointed by judges across the state in hundreds, if not thousands, of cases as Guardian Ad Litem for children over his 36 year career. Mike is a founding member of Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero, P.C, is active in numerous dedicated organizations, and has received the Best Lawyers’ “Lawyer of the Year” award five times.

Former congresswoman from New Mexico’s 1stCongressional District, Debra Haaland is a graduate of the University of New Mexico (1994) and UNM School of Law (2006). Debra is a former Chairwoman of the Laguna Development Corporation Board of Directors, a former Tribal administrator, and the former Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico.
Debra ran for Lieutenant Governor of New Mexico in 2014 and has worked for and volunteered on many local, statewide and national campaigns. For many years, she registered voters and worked to increase voting in Indian Country. While in law school, Debra was successful in advocating for legislation enacted by the State legislature that provided in-state tuition for students of New Mexico Indian Tribes, thus removing an obstacle to higher education.
A 35th generation New Mexican, Debra is enrolled at Laguna Pueblo and has close ties with her family at Jemez Pueblo. She is forever dedicated to lifting up underrepresented and marginalized communities.
Alumni Promise Awardee
Alumni Promise Awardee

Noell Sauer Huffmyer graduated from the UNM School of Law in 2018. Throughout her time at the law school, she received numerous awards, including the Roehl Award for Excellence in Trial Advocacy, and the Alumni/ae Association Academic Merit Scholarship.
While at law school, Noell completed internships with Judge Miles Hanisee at the New Mexico Court of Appeals and for the United States Attorney’s Office. She was a member of UNM’s National Mock Trial Team, and served as both a teaching assistant to the legal writing faculty, and as a research assistant on multiple amicus curiae briefs, with Professor Jim Ellis, a U.S. Supreme Court advocate, pursuing rights for the intellectually and developmentally disabled.
Upon graduation, Noell was invited to join the Order of the Coif, earned summa cum laude honors, and was awarded the Faculty Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Law School Community. After law school, Noell served as a judicial clerk to federal court Chief Judge William Johnson, and then joined Rodey Law Firm. Noell recently joined Acadia Healthcare as Associate Counsel.
Your Impact

I feel incredibly fortunate to have received the Alumni/ae Association Scholarship. Thanks to the generosity of UNM Law’s alumni, I’ve been able to completely immerse myself in the law school experience. While the full impact of this scholarship won’t be realized for years to come, I can already see an immeasurable benefit to my legal career. I hope to pay it forward someday so that more students will be able to make their professional decisions based on their dreams and not their finances.

I was born and raised in Albuquerque and had my sights set on going to UNM School of Law for years. When I found out I was not only accepted to the school but also awarded this incredible scholarship, I felt so honored and welcomed. I am a first-generation law student who is passionate about public interest law. Knowing that my debts after law school will now be so much smaller, I feel a huge weight off my shoulders. After graduation, I know I will have more freedom to choose a career that will align with my values while still being able to support myself and my family. This is all thanks to the Alumni Association and their incredible generosity. Thank you for making me feel a part of this community

Receiving the New Mexico School of Law Alumni Association Award allowed me to fully commit to the state that I love. I am (at least) a sixteenth-generation New Mexican and during my law application journey I applied to schools across the country and had enticing offers to leave the state. When I found out that I had been awarded this full scholarship opportunity, it fully sealed my commitment to UNMSOL and allowed me to freely commit to the state and issues that I am passionate about unburdened by the economic hardship that accompanies law school and the debt that later dominates career choices. I feel extraordinarily lucky be able to stay in my home state and continue dedicating my career to la lucha.
In 1993, University of New Mexico School of Law Alumni/ae board members began a tradition of honoring people who have served the legal community in a significant way at an annual dinner and awards ceremony. The purpose of the Distinguished Achievement Awards Dinner is to celebrate notable accomplishments and dedicated service by lawyers and others in the legal community to the UNM School of Law, the New Mexico legal community and the greater community inside and outside of New Mexico.
Since the dinner started, 72 honorees, more than 7,000 attendees and hundreds of sponsors have participated in the event. The dinner has raised over $500,000 for law school programming, including the Alumni Association scholarships, the Law School's only merit-based full-tuition scholarships presented to incoming law students.
Thank you for helping us honor members of the law school and legal community, and for helping us support our alma mater.
Past Awardees
Paul Robinson (`50)
Honorable Santiago Campos (`53)
Ruth C. Streeter (`53)
Franklin Jones (`56)
Professor Henry Weihofen
Honorable Mary C. Walters (`62)
Haskell Rosebrough (`51)
Honorable Dan Sosa, Jr. (`51)
John D. Robb, Jr.
William E. Bondurant, Jr.
Raymond W. Schowers (`73) (posthumously)
Professor Albert Utton
Felix Briones (`57)
Honorable E. L. Mechem
Honorable Joe Wood (`50)
D. Russell Moore (`57)
Gene Gallegos (`60)
Honorable Richard Ransom
U.S. Representative Steve Schiff (`72) (posthumously)
Honorable Howard Bratton
Kevin Gover (`81)
Professor Fred Hart
Sarah Bradley (`72)
Arturo Jaramillo
William Snead (`61)
John R. Cooney (`65)
Raymond G. Sanchez (`67)
Anne B. Thomas (`83)
Professor Robert J. Desiderio
Nancy Hollander (`78)
Luis G. Stelzner
Ranne D. Miller (`67)
Maureen A. Sanders (`79)
Associate Dean Peter A. Winograd
Richard L. Gerding (`64)
Honorable Tommy E. Jewell (`79)
Professor Ruth L. Kovnat
Arthur O. Beach (`70)
Pat R. Bryan, III (`74)
John E. Echohawk (`70)
Toby Grossman (`68) (posthumously)
Professor Michael B. Browde
Randi M. McGinn (`80)
Andrew G. Schultz (`84)
Walter K. Martinez (`55) (posthumously)
William H. Carpenter (`66)
Honorable Pamela B. Minzner (posthumously)
Gary O. O`Dowd (`65)
Professor William T. McPherson, Jr. (`66)
Paula Tackett (`77)
U.S. Senator Tom Udall (`77)
Catherine Goldberg ('75)
Peter Mallery ('68)
Professor Emeritus and former Dean Leo M. Romero
Professor Anne Bingaman
Richard Civerolo (`50)
Professor and former Dean Ted Parnall (`67, January)
Wendy York (`82)
Peter Johnstone ('74) (posthumous award)
Ted Occhialino, Professor Emeritus
Patricia Madrid ('73)
Norman Thayer, ('60)
William Marchiondo ('52)
Edward Ricco ('80)
Jacquelyn Robins ('74)
Joan Hart, Lifetime Service Award
The Hon. Elizabeth Whitefield ('77)
Prof. Emeritus Richard Gonzales
Briggs Cheney ('73)
The Hon. Lorenzo F. Garcia ('73)
Joseph Goldberg
Tim Sheehan
Professor Barbara E. Bergman
The Hon. Michael D. Bustamante ('74)
Professor James W. Ellis
Shammara H. Henderson ('07) (Alumni Promise Award)
Aja N. Brooks ('08) (Alumni Promise Award)
Justice Edward L. Chavez (Ret.) ('81)
Jill L. Marron ('84)
Steve Scholl ('89)
The Hon. M. Christina Armijo ('75)
Justice Charles W. Daniels ('69)
Regent & Professor Emeritus
Robert Schwartz
Kelly Stout Sanchez ('09) (Alumni Promise Award)
Honorable C. LeRoy Hansen (`61)
Honarable Sarah Singleton (posthumously)
Phil Davis (`78) (posthumously)
Former Professor Suedeen Kelly
David Martinez (`82)
Honorable Linda M. Vanzi (Ret.) (`95)
Benny Naranjo (’75)
Alicia Gutierrez (’86)
Justice Judith Nakamura (’83)
DAAD Committee Members
Robert Lucero ('08)
Samantha Adams ('03), Co-Chair
Steve Scholl, Co-Chair
Bobbie Batley
Qris Claassen
Andy Schultz ('84)
Agnes Fuentevilla Padilla ('92)
Justin Goodman ('11)
Hon. Michael Aragon
Sheryl Saavedra
Taylor Lueras
Andrea Salazar