News in Indian Country

News from Indian Country
News From Indian Country reports national news, culture, gaming and entertainment news to all people interested in Indian Country.
Indian Country Today
Indian Country Today, originally published as the Lakota Times, was founded in 1981. The initial purpose of the paper was to provide news to the people of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. As requests for news coverage and distribution came in from nearby reservations, the newspaper expanded and by 1986, it was distributed to all the reservations in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska and Montana.
Indianz includes many links to news stories that deal with all aspects of Native American Indian News, including a section called “Smoke Signals”, which provides links to news from the Los Angeles Times, the Detroit Free Press, the Seattle Times, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune, among other publications.
The Navajo Times
The Navajo Times provides links to news stories that impact the Navajo Nation.
Native Law News Digest
Native Law News Digest provides a good list of links (updated daily) to news items from all over Indian Country, including Canada.
Wotanging Ikche
Read the latest copy of this weekly email newspaper, along with back issues.