Academic Support
The University of New Mexico School of Law’s Office of Student & Career Services is dedicated to helping all law students reach their full academic potential. OSCS’s Academic Success Program services are available to all first, second and third year students, as well as recent graduates taking the bar exam.
What is the Academic Success Program?
The Academic Success Program offers a variety of services and resources for students seeking to reach their highest level of academic achievement in law school.
- Academic Success Strategies include:
- Socratic Method
- Conditional Logic and Legal Reasoning
- Reading Cases Analytically
- Case Briefing
- Law School Note-taking
- Preparing Case Outlines for Exams
- Legal Exam-Taking Skills
- Academic Advising
- Workshops are offered throughout each semester.
- Individual Appointments
- Academic Success Strategies
- Academic Advising
- Free Resource Library at Student and Career Services Office
Other Services
1L Course Tutors – All first year doctrinal courses have an upper division student tutor. Students are encouraged to attend tutor sessions and individual carrel hours with tutors.
Scheduling Individual Appointments

Beth Kaimowitz
Director of Academic Success
As Director of Academic Success at the University of New Mexico School of Law, Ms. Kaimowitz is responsible for academic success programs aimed to improve students’ academic performance and success on the bar examination, in preparation for the practice of law. Ms. Kaimowitz’s experience with law practice, legal analysis, and academic support allow her to provide a range of academic success services tailored to diverse students’ needs.