Dateline New Mexico interviews Professor LaVelle about Supreme Court case
May 23, 2016 - Tamara Williams

Last week, Professor John LaVelle explained the issues surrounding an important pending Supreme Court case and an amicus brief he co-authored in an interview with Tom Trowbridge of Dateline New Mexico.
The issue in the Supreme Court case United States v. Bryant is whether the U.S. government violates the Constitution when it relies on “uncounseled” tribal court convictions to prosecute Indians in federal court.
In their amicus brief, LaVelle and Professor Barbara Creel argue that such federal prosecutions violate the constitutional and civil rights of Native American people. The brief and the ramifications of the case have been reported on widely (see “Amicus brief by Prof. Barbara Creel and John LaVelle receives national attention”).
The radio interview was broadcast on radio stations throughout New Mexico this past Wednesday and Friday.