Recent News

UNM Law Professor Nathalie Martin takes on predatory lending
November 30, 2014
Lawyers are happier when they find their own purpose, according to a study released earlier this year. Nathalie Martin, University of New Mexico professor of law, has found purpose – and happiness – both in teaching and in going after predatory lenders.

Financial Guide by UNM School of Law Professor Sherri Burr Wins Best Business Book Award
November 25, 2014
UNM School of Law Regents Professor Sherri Burr has won the 2014 New Mexico-Arizona Book Award in the Business Book category for A Short & Happy Guide to Financial Well-Being.

Professor Fort Shares Expertise in Water Issues at Annual Water Resources Conference
November 24, 2014
Emeritus Professor Denise Fort shared her expertise in water law as an invited presenter at the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) 2014 Annual Water Resources Conference, held November 3 -6, 2014 in Vienna, VA.

Final Freak Out, UNM Law Style
November 24, 2014
Final Freak Out was the brainchild of the Women's Law Caucus (WLC) and the Mexican American Law Student Association (MALSA). The event raised $225 for PB&J Family Services, helping at-risk children to grow and develop to their full potential in nurturing families within a supportive community.

Emeritus Professor Parnall Returns to Laos on Assignment for the United Nations Development Programme
November 24, 2014
Emeritus Professor Ted Parnall (`67) has been trotting the globe for his entire legal career, working on law development and legal education in developing countries.

First New Mexico LGBT Legal Service Day to be Held on Saturday, November 15
November 10, 2014
The University of New Mexico School of Law Clinical Program is pleased to announce the first New Mexico LGBT Legal Service Day.