Recent News

Professor Chris Fritz Elected to National Legal History Board
November 28, 2011
Professor Christian Fritz was elected to the Board of Directors of the American Society for Legal History at the society’s annual meeting in early November. He will serve a three-year-term.

Professor Robert Desiderio Beams into Kosovo Classroom
November 22, 2011
It’s Wednesday morning and Emeritus Professor Robert Desiderio is getting ready for his weekly lecture on Business Economics for Lawyers.

Distinguished Achievement Awards 2011
November 17, 2011
More than 400 alumni and friends of the University of New Mexico School of Law converged at the UNM Student Union Ballroom on Nov. 4 to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Catherine Goldberg (`75), Peter Mallery (`68) and Former Dean Leo Romero, this year’s recipients of the school’s Distinguished Achievement Award.

Professor Barbara Blumenfeld Looks at Legal Creative Process
November 16, 2011
Professor Barbara Blumenfeld has published an article titled, “Teaching Thinking and the Legal Creative Process,” in the fall 2011 issue of The Law Teacher, a publication of the Institute for Law Teaching and Learning.

Professor Fort Joins Water Experts for Stanford Workshop
November 16, 2011
Professor Denise Fort, director of the Utton Transboundary Resources Center, was invited to make two presentations at a mid-October gathering of water experts from the United States and Australia.

Utton Center Involved in National Water Resources Meeting
November 16, 2011
Professor Denise Fort and Darcy Bushnell (`89) participated in the 47th annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association, which took place in early November in Albuquerque.

Professor Baum Discusses Intellectual Property at Symposium
November 7, 2011
Professor Marsha Baum presented a talk titled, "Intellectual Property: A Primer on the Law", on Nov. 4 to Creative ABQ's 2nd Annual Albuquerque Symposium on the Creative Economy.

Professor Marsha Baum Takes Animal Law Focus to Australia
November 1, 2011
Professor Marsha Baum spent last summer in Australia, studying and speaking about animals and the law. In July, she was the invited keynote speaker at the Australian Animal Studies Group conference in Brisbane, where she spoke on the impact of the law in the United States on animals used in research and their advocates.