Recent News

Two law students receive stipends from the natural resources & environmental law program for summer work
April 28, 2022
UNM’s Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program has awarded stipends to two students who will work this summer in otherwise-unpaid positions in environmental law. The students and their summer 2022 employers are Jackie Munro (Class of ’24) with the New Mexico Environmental Law Center, and Kate Tara (Class of ’23) with American Rivers.

Students from UNM School of Law Natural Resources and Environmental Law Clinic Argued for Stronger Protections in Ozone Precursor Regulations for NM Oil and Gas Regulations
April 15, 2022
Students from UNM School of Law Natural Resources and Environmental Law Clinic Argued for Stronger Protections in Ozone Precursor Regulations for NM Oil and Gas Regulations

Border Justice Initiative Inaugural “Border Justice Intensive”: A Spring Break 2022 Service-Learning Opportunity Course
April 14, 2022
The Border Justice Initiative just completed its initial “Border Justice Intensive,” a service-learning opportunity course that immersed students in experience and advocacy about legal issues faced by communities and families at the New Mexico and Texas border with Mexico.

A Celebration of Life and Community: The Fred Hart Memorial
April 12, 2022
On April 7, UNM School of Law hosted the Fred Hart Memorial service for the law school community.

UNM School of Law Students Explore Environmental Concerns on U.S.-Mexico Border
April 7, 2022
On Thursday, March 31st, and Friday, April 1st, students and faculty from the UNM School of Law traveled to the Borderlands region of New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico to learn firsthand about environmental issues affecting people living in underserved communities.