Recent News

Social Justice Lunchbox Speaker Series Concludes 2017-2018 Academic Year
May 29, 2018
Funded by a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to help improve outcomes for New Mexico’s most vulnerable children and families, the Social Justice Lunchbox series ended the academic year with programs in March and April.

Professor Carol M. Suzuki Presents "Promoting Student Learning and Breastfeeding Behind Bars Through Multi-Faceted Social Justice Advocacy"
May 22, 2018
TestThe 2018 AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education, held in Chicago, IL, from April 29th to May 2nd, provided, according to Professor Carol Suzuki, "An opportunity for me to share with legal clinicians around the country the collaborative work that some students in the UNM Clinical Law Program engage in to promote healthier brain development and physical and mental wellbeing in babies whose mothers are incarcerated."

Dean Alfred Mathewson To Serve as Interim Chief Legal Counsel
May 22, 2018
University of New Mexico’s President, Garnett Stokes, has announced that UNM School of Law Professor, Henry Weihofen Chair in Law and Co-Dean, Alfred Mathewson, will serve as Interim Chief Legal Counsel for the university beginning June 1, 2018 while the University searches for a permanent hire following the retirement of Elsa Cole.

Legal Planet Features UNM Law Professor Cliff Villa as Guest Blogger
May 18, 2018
According to Environmental and Natural Resources law professor, Cliff Villa, seven months after landfall, talk of Hurricane Maria on the island of Puerto Rico continues to stir strong emotions.

UNM Law Professor Emerita Sherri Burr Named NMPW President
May 3, 2018
New Mexico Press Women (NMPW), New Mexico's largest inclusive media organization, held a banquet Saturday, April 28th in Santa Fe, NM.

Students receive award from prominent New Mexico firm to attend health law conference
May 1, 2018
Prominent New Mexico-based law firm Montgomery & Andrews builds stepping stones for University of New Mexico School of Law students through a generous award.