Recent News

UNM School of Law Launches Border Justice Initiative with Exploratory Trip to the Southern Border
August 1, 2019
The UNM School of Law recently launched the Border Justice Initiative (BJI). The initiative aims to provide experiential service-learning opportunities for law students interested in immigration law. BJI launched with an exploratory trip to the US-Mexico border, near El Paso, Texas, that brought together faculty members and expert advisors along with students from UNM’s Law Clinic and members of the Immigration Law School Student Association. The aim of this experience was to conduct a preliminary needs assessment, and determine how the Border Justice Initiative could administer legal solutions for individuals who have been displaced, while also providing impactful learning opportunities for students.

New Exhibition Opening “400 Years of Freedom, Restrictions, and Survival”
July 30, 2019
Emeritus Professor of Law Sherri Burr invites the public and all members of our law community to join the exhibition opening of “400 Years of Freedom, Restrictions, and Survival” on Saturday, August 3rd, from 5:00 -7:00 p.m. at the African American Performing Arts Center on the State Fairgrounds.