Recent News

Powerful event, powerful topic: “Indian Blood” attracts an engaged audience to the law school
November 27, 2017
Powerful event, powerful topic: “Indian Blood” attracts an engaged audience to the law school

Students learn about public service opportunities to create transformative advocacy in New Mexico
November 27, 2017
The presentation included information about the Transformative Advocacy Fellowship to positively impact New Mexican children and families.

An old tradition in a new way: A MALSA Matanza
November 27, 2017
As guests began to arrive, the smell of carnitas and the sound of Spanish music filled the air. Matanza had begun!

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Opinion cites article by Professor Bach
November 22, 2017
Professor George Bach has written several articles about constitutional law, and earlier this year, one of them made an impact in a case across the country.
UNM Law earns national recognition and six new top-notch rankings
November 20, 2017
UNM Law earns national recognition and six new top-notch rankings

Nominations for the 2018 Justice Mary Walters Award due December 1<
November 15, 2017
Nominations for the 2018 Justice Mary Walters Award due December 1

Op-ed references Professor Cannon’s research on adverse childhood experiences
November 15, 2017
Bernalillo County District Attorney Raúl Torrez wrote an op-ed for the November 12th issue of the Albuquerque Journal referencing research conducted by Professor Yael Cannon, currently on leave from the law school.

Social Justice Lunchbox Speaker describes the Effects of Adverse Childhood Events
November 14, 2017
Dr. Andrew Hsi of the Institute for Health, Resilience, and Justice at the UNM Health Sciences Center spoke during a Social Justice Lunchbox event on November 8th about the deleterious life-long effects of Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) and other health harming legal needs.

Students deeply engaged in learning the challenges of seeking protection for refugees
November 14, 2017
This semester, law students have an opportunity to study a unique and relevant area of the law that has global impact: Refugee Law.

Presentation on Wrongful Convictions on Tuesday, November 14
November 13, 2017
Dr. Adina M. Thompson will present “Wrongful Conviction, Exoneration, and Coming Home” from 3:00 – 4:00 pm in Room 2405 on Tuesday, November 14. Dr. Adina M. Thompson will present “Wrongful Conviction, Exoneration, and Coming Home” from 3:00 – 4:00 pm in Room 2405 on Tuesday, November 14. The Innocence Project of Florida (IPF) has secured the release and exoneration of a number of innocent individuals from Florida’s prisons.

Professor Jenny Moore honored by UNM for extensive local and global community service
November 10, 2017
Professor Jenny Moore honored by UNM for extensive local and global community service

UNM Law School Art Gallery issues call to become 2018 Artists in Residence
November 8, 2017
The UNM Law School welcomes students, faculty, staff and the community-at-large.

Chávez Lecture honors his legacy and reminds us to stand up for the rights of others
November 5, 2017
Chávez Lecture honors his legacy and reminds us to stand up for the rights of others

Professor Kastenberg Quoted in the New York Times
November 2, 2017
UNM School of Law Professor Joshua E. Kastenberg was quoted in a New York Times article about the colorful history of the military charge “misbehavior before the enemy”.

Professor Desiderio shares expertise in the law and practice of international philanthropy
November 2, 2017
Professor Desiderio shares expertise in the law and practice of international philanthropy

UNM Law Alumni 2017 Distinguished Achievement Awards Dinner exceeds goals, shows law school spirit, raises nearly $100,000 for scholarships
November 1, 2017
UNM Law Alumni 2017 Distinguished Achievement Awards Dinner exceeds goals, shows law school spirit, raises nearly $100,000 for scholarships

Book by Professor Burr is a finalist for 2017 New Mexico Book Awards
November 1, 2017
Once again, a book by Professor Sherri Burr () is a finalist for the New Mexico Book Awards. Burr’s 24th book, the fourth edition of “Entertainment Law in a Nutshell” is a finalist in the Business Book category of the 12th New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards. A finalist must receive a score of 80 or more from three judges.

Morris “Mo” Chavez (’98) honored with Diverse Business Leader Award
November 1, 2017
Morris “Mo” Chavez (’98) has held leadership positions on several local organizations, including Director for the UNM School of Law Alumni Association Board of Directors and the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce.