Recent News

UNM Teams Debut at Sexual Orientation Moot Court
March 11, 2009
The teams of Corinna Laszlo-Henry and Richard Ortiz, and Paige Duhamel and Derek Garcia made an impressive showing at the National Sexual Orientation Law Moot Court Competition in mid-February.

Associate Dean Antoinette Sedillo Lopez Updates Family Law Book
March 11, 2009
Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, associate dean for clinical affairs, has completed the second edition of Family Law In New Mexico, a book designed to help non-lawyers better understand the complexities of the family law system.

Antoinette Sedillo Lopez to Sign Books
March 3, 2009
Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, associate dean for clinical affairs, will sign copies of Family Law in New Mexico, a book designed to help non-lawyers better understand the complexities of the family law system.