Recent News

Symposium examines "Establishing New Rights: A Look at Aid in Dying"
August 23, 2017
The student-run New Mexico Law Review and the UNM School of Law are bringing together national scholars, judges, and local experts to explore the ramifications of creating new rights, such as the right to die, through state constitutional interpretation in a day-long symposium.

Articles by Prof. Kastenberg published in Southwestern Law Review and Cleveland State Law Review
August 23, 2017
Military legal expert Professor Joshua Kastenberg has written four books and 17 articles for law reviews throughout the country.

UNM Law School’s natural resources program shines at conference
August 18, 2017
The UNM School of Law Natural Resources and Environmental Law program cemented its reputation as one of the most active in the nation at the 63rd Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute in Santa Fe last month.

Natural Resources and Environmental Law students receive recognition
August 18, 2017
Two UNM law students recently received national awards for their accomplishments in natural resources and environmental law. Selena Sauer (Class of ‘18) received a prestigious natural resources scholarship and Ryan Vetter (Class of ‘17) won third place in an energy law writing competition.