Recent News

UNM Environmental Law Moot Court Team Makes it to National Semi-Finals
February 18, 2009
In mid-February, the UNM law school team of Keri Hatley, Ryland Hutchins and Nick Gilbert battled their way to the semi-finals of the National Pace Environmental Law Moot Court Competition before losing to Louisiana State University.

Professor Alfred Mathewson Keynote Speaker at Diversity Forum
February 11, 2009
Dean Alfred Mathewson Professor Alfred Mathewson will speak on a panel on economic justice at the 12th Annual Liman Colloquium, Forty Years of Clinical Education at Yale: Rights, Remedies, and Legal Services at Yale Law School in March 2009.

Professor Christine Zuni Cruz Presents at Tribal Law Symposium
February 1, 2009
Professor Christine Zuni Cruz was among a handful of speakers invited to the 13th Annual Tribal Law and Government Center Conference at the University of Kansas School of Law. The title of this year's conference on Feb. 13 was "Innovations in Tribal Governance."