Recent News

Goodluck featured on front page of Indian Country Today
June 29, 2015
Last year, Tracy L. Canard Goodluck ('14) was selected for the prestigious Presidential Management Fellowship program, a two-year paid fellowship under the U.S. government's premier program for leadership development, and assigned to the White House Domestic Policy Council.

"Breaking Bad" issue garners worldwide attention, challenges perception of law reviews
June 25, 2015
Albuquerque, NM - The New York Times calls law journals, "the lackluster reviews that lawyers love to hate." Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has criticized them for being boring and theoretical.

2015 UNM Law Scholarship Golf Classic A Big Success
June 24, 2015
Dozens of very generous sponsors and thirty-seven teams of enthusiastic players had a similar opinion. They consider the 2015 Golf Classic presented by U.S. Eagle, held on Friday, June 5 at the UNM Championship Golf Course, the best yet.

Law School's increase in applications receives positive press
June 22, 2015
Applications to the UNM Law School increased almost 10% this year, generating positive attention from the Daily Lobo and Albuquerque Business First.

Adriel Orozco ('16) receives prestigious public interest labor law fellowship
June 18, 2015
UNM Law School student Adriel Orozco ('16) recently received a 10-week summer public interest labor law from the Peggy Browning Fund. Orozco is spending the fellowship working at Friends of Farmworkers in Philadelphia, PA.

UNM Business and Tax Clinic focuses on accelerating economic development
June 17, 2015
UNM School of Law Assistant Professor Serge Martinez is taking the lead role in expanding and revitalizing the transactional core of the Business and Tax Clinic, a section within the school's nationally-ranked Clinical Law Program.

UNM Clinic Faculty Present at Clinical Legal Education Conference
June 16, 2015
Five faculty members of the UNM Clinical Law Program gave presentations at the AALS 38th Annual Conference on Clinical Legal Education in Rancho Mirage, California, on May 7.

Mathewson, Pareja appointed co-deans at UNM School of Law
June 16, 2015
After a rigorous internal search, University of New Mexico Provost Chaouki Abdallah announced today the appointment of co-deans at the UNM School of Law. Alfred Mathewson and Sergio Pareja, both professors at the UNM School of Law, begin as co-deans Aug. 1, 2015.

Prof. Barbara Bergman honored with New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers' highest award
June 10, 2015
New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers has selected UNM Law Professor Barbara Bergman, Pamela B. Minzner Chair in Professionalism, as the 2015 recipient of the Charles Driscoll Award.

New experiential course creates effective advocates
June 9, 2015
Students at the UNM School of Law learn how to ask the right questions of both consulting and testifying experts in a highly-interactive new course called Experts in Litigation.