Recent News

University of New Mexico School of Law Ranks 18th Nationwide
May 28, 2015
The University of New Mexico School of Law has moved to Number 18 nationwide in the Top 50 Law Schools ranking by Above the Law, up four places from last year.

Law School Celebrates Achievements of Class of 2015
May 27, 2015
The Honors and Awards Ceremony celebrating the Class of 2015 was held on Friday, May 8 at the UNM Law School Forum.

Student-edited journal publishes issue on "Breaking Bad"
May 15, 2015
Albuquerque, NM -The University of New Mexico School of Law student-edited general legal journal New Mexico Law Review (NMLR) has published a special issue that analyses contemporary legal issues related to the storyline of "Breaking Bad."

UNM School of Law Celebrates Class of 2015
May 14, 2015
More than 1200 family and friends gathered on the North Patio at the UNM Law School to honor the Class of 2015 on Saturday, May 9 at 1pm.

Professor Leo Romero continues to shape New Mexico's legal system
May 13, 2015
For decades, former Dean and Professor Emeritus Leo Romero helped shape New Mexico's legal system both through his scholarship in criminal law and procedure and by overseeing the development of selecting judges.

Adjunct Professor Grace Allison Named Chair of ABA Group
May 12, 2015
Adjunct Professor Grace Allison has been named Chair of the 300-member Charitable Planning and Organizations Group of the Real Property Trust and Estate section ("RPTE") of the American Bar Association.

SILC celebrates successful Indian Estate Planning Clinic
May 7, 2015
The Southwest Indian Law Clinic (SILC) students and faculty held a successful Indian Estate Planning Clinic on April 25, 2015 at the UNM Law School.

Blog Highlights Research by Professor Nathalie Martin
May 5, 2015
The blog,, highlights research by Professor Nathalie Martin in the post Exploring the Credit Behaviors of Undocumented Immigrants.

Students Help Central American Asylum Seekers
May 1, 2015
Over Spring Break, Professor Jenny Moore and four students in her Human Rights Practicum/Family Detention Project had hands-on experience in asylum advocacy at the Karnes family detention center located just south of San Antonio, TX.