Recent News

UNM Law alumni preside over New Mexico's highest court
February 29, 2016
With the appointment of Judith Nakamura to the Court in November 2015, all current New Mexico Supreme Court Justices are graduates of the UNM Law School.

UNM Law students win national tax law competition
February 15, 2016
Frank Cardoza and Scott Woody defeated 65 teams nationwide, winning best overall and best written submission.

Two of the top papers in American Indian Law in 2015 published by UNM Law student and professor
February 9, 2016
The UNM Law School has received a grant to attract, prepare and mobilize a diverse group of lawyers to pursue justice and racial equity and to achieve improved health and well-being for New Mexico's most vulnerable children and families - those marginalized by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, or other critical disparities.

UNM Law School receives $2.6M grant to improve well-being of New Mexico's most vulnerable children and families
February 8, 2016
The UNM Law School has received a grant to attract, prepare and mobilize a diverse group of lawyers to pursue justice and racial equity and to achieve improved health and well-being for New Mexico's most vulnerable children and families - those marginalized by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, or other critical disparities.

Judge Cynthia Fry and Bonnie Stepleton to Receive the 2016 Justice Mary Walters Award
February 2, 2016
Judge Cynthia Fry and former UNM Law School Dean of Students Bonnie Stepleton have been selected to receive the 2016 Justice Mary Walters Award from the UNM Women's Law Caucus on Wednesday, February 24 at the Andaluz Hotel in Albuquerque.

Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program at UNM Law School rated "A"
February 1, 2016
The Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program at the UNM Law School received an "A" rating in the winter issue of preLaw magazine.

Scholarship by UNM Law School Dean Mathewson passes test of time
February 1, 2016
An article written by Alfred Dennis Mathewson, Dean of the University of New Mexico School of Law, is listed as one of the ten most cited articles in the 25-year history of the Marquette Sports Law Review, the foremost national bi-annual scholarly review on sports law topics.