Recent News

Professor Sergio Pareja Discusses Expiring Tax Rates in Op-ed
October 26, 2010
The pending expiration of the "Bush tax holiday" was discussed in a recent op-ed by UNM Law Professor Sergio Pareja.

Dean Kevin Washburn Shares Expertise on New Act
October 21, 2010
Dean Kevin Washburn participated in a national symposium to discuss the Tribal Law and Order Act, which expands significantly the powers of tribal courts to combat crime on reservations.

Professor Nathalie Martin on Panel to Discuss New CNN Film
October 19, 2010
UNM Law Professor Nathalie Martin will participate in a panel discussion following an advance screening of the film, Almighty Debt – A Black in America, to be shown from 2-4 p.m. Oct. 13 in Africana Studies on the fourth floor of Mesa Vista Hall.

Professors Mathewson, Burr Contribute to New Sports Law Book
October 12, 2010
UNM Law Professors Alfred Mathewson and Sherri Burr have contributed chapters to a new book that explores sports law.

Professor Gloria Valencia-Weber Appointed to Legal Services Board
October 7, 2010
The U.S. Senate has confirmed the appointment of University of New Mexico Law Professor Gloria Valencia-Weber to the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation (LCS).