Recent News

Utton Center Launches Biography of Al Utton
August 25, 2015
The Utton Transboundary Resources Center was established at the University of New Mexico School of Law to carry on the work of the late Professor Albert E. Utton (1931-1998) related to transboundary resource issues.

Professor Mary Pareja shares expertise in refundable tax credits
August 19, 2015
In August, Assistant Professor Mary Leto Pareja participated in a panel discussion sponsored by the Taxpayer Advocate Service, a division of the Internal Revenue Service, about reforming both the design and administration of refundable tax credits.

August 19 is World Humanitarian Day
August 19, 2015
Professor Jenny Moore has been working on refugee issues since she was a student in Amherst College.

Shedding light on the spill
August 18, 2015
Professor Cliff Villa is the "go to guy" on legal and practical implications of the Animas River spill.

Visiting Scholar Program helps diplomat look at law from the inside out
August 18, 2015
Mexican diplomat Sergio Mendez says that his participation in the Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Relations Visiting Scholar Program at the UNM Law School in 2011-12 was pivotal for his career.

UNM Law School announces three faculty promotions
August 18, 2015
The University of New Mexico School of Law is proud to announce that three of our outstanding faculty have received promotions: Camille Carey to Professor, Yael Zakai Cannon to Associate Professor, and Alex Ritchie to Associate Professor.

Law School hosts back to school BBQ
August 13, 2015
Looking for a fun way to celebrate the end of summer and the start of a new school year?

Public policy internships
August 11, 2015
Three UNM Law students worked in public policy this summer, doing research, assisting in drafting legislation, and helping advocate for clients.

Law School's Not-for-Profit Art Gallery invites submissions
August 2, 2015
The UNM School of Law Not-for-Profit Art Gallery invites all artists who are UNM faculty or alumni, as well as friends of the Law School, to submit their art for consideration for the September 2015 exhibition.