Recent News

Professor Aliza Organick Named in 1st Annual "50 Under 50 List"
May 22, 2013
UNM School of Law professor Aliza Organick (C’96) has been named in the 1st Annual "50 Under 50 List", as seen in Lawyers of Color and their recent Law School Diversity Special Issue.

UNM Law Faculty and Graduates Appear in ABQ Business First’s 40 Under Forty
May 14, 2013
Albuquerque Business First has announced its 2013 40 Under Forty honoree list. The 2013 list includes a number of UNM School of Law graduates and friends, and names Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Prof. Max Minzner among its 2013 honorees.

ARTS TALK Takes Home Two First Place Awards
May 7, 2013
ARTS TALK, a local-cable television show produced by Professor Sherri Burr and students in her Intellectual Property and Art Law classes, received first place in the category of Talk Show, Television and in the category of Best Television Interview at the 2013 New Mexico Press Women Awards ceremony on Saturday, April 27th.

UNM’s Annual Teaching Awards Announced
May 2, 2013
This year’s UNM Annual Teaching Awards Ceremony held on Thursday, May 2nd in the SUB Ballroom on main campus included the Outstanding Teachers of the Year award, one of which was presented to the law school’s Keleher & McLeod Professor of Law, Professor Sergio Pareja.