Recent News

Professor Suzuki serves as expert to New Mexico Legislature on lactation policies for female inmates
April 28, 2017
During the 2017 New Mexico regular legislative session, Professor Carol Suzuki worked with the New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force (NMBTF) to advocate for two key breastfeeding-related bills that were passed by the House and Senate.

New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas to give Commencement Address at UNM Law School
April 28, 2017
New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas (Class of 2001) will be the featured speaker at the UNM School of Law Commencement on May 13, 2017.

Child and Family Justice Clinic helps middle school families prepare for immigration emergencies
April 26, 2017
Given the current climate of fear among undocumented families, how can parents safeguard their children? Are there any legal tools that serve as a safety net and don’t involve going to court?

Students ditch books for paddles, learn about the Rio Grande first-hand
April 25, 2017
Sundays are the perfect time for a relaxing drift down the Rio Grande, and that’s exactly what a group of students from the UNM School of Law did on Sunday, April 9th. “You can learn more when you’re out in the environment,” said Adrian Oglesby, Director of the Utton Center Transboundary Resources Center, who teaches Indian Water Law.

Law School celebrates Class of 2017 with Honors and Awards and Commencement Ceremonies
April 25, 2017
The UNM Law School is celebrating the Class of 2017 with two ceremonies in May.

Prof. Kastenberg quoted in San Francisco Chronicle
April 19, 2017
UNM School of Law Professor Joshua E. Kastenberg was quoted in a San Francisco Chronicle article about the legality of President Trump’s recent order for a missile strike on a Syrian airfield.

Regents Professor Sherri Burr publishes three new editions this year
April 13, 2017
UNM School of Law Regents Professor Sherri Burr has published extensively in the area of intellectual property, art law, and international law.

Harvard Law Review publishes article by Regents Prof. Kevin Washburn
April 11, 2017
"What the Future Holds: The Changing Landscape of Federal Indian Policy" by UNM School of Law Regents Prof. Kevin Washburn was published in the April 2017 edition of the Harvard Law Review.

3L Laura Johnson presents at training to help bridge gap between criminal justice and disability worlds
April 11, 2017
Imagine being held in pre-trial incarceration for 997 days, or almost three years, for a crime you did not commit.

Class sees environmental remediation in action
April 7, 2017
When a business or individual fails to comply with environmental laws, they can voluntarily agree to undertake an environmentally beneficial project instead of paying a fine.

Prof. Kastenberg presents at Pepperdine Law Review Symposium
April 6, 2017
UNM School of Law Professor Joshua E. Kastenberg will participate in a panel titled "Supreme Court Politicization – Historical Development" at the 2017 Pepperdine Law Review Symposium on April 8.

Small School. Big Clinic. Real Perk: Taking a leading role in the AALS Clinical Legal Education Conference.
April 6, 2017
The UNM School of Law is taking a leading role in the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) 40th Annual Conference on Clinical Legal Education and Clinical and Experiential Law Program Directors Workshop in Denver from May 5 through May 9, 2017.

U.S. Supreme Court Decision relies on amicus brief by UNM School of Law team
April 4, 2017
The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision last week in Moore v. Texas references an amicus (friend-of-the-court) brief written by University of New Mexico School of Law Distinguished Professor Jim Ellis and a team of UNM Law School faculty and students.

Intellectual Property Moot Court team represents UNM Law School well in regional competition
April 3, 2017
On Wednesday, March 22, 2017, the Women’s Law Caucus, a UNM School of Law student organization, held the 15th annual Justice Mary Walters Awards Dinner. The UNM School of Law Intellectual Property Moot Court team recently competed in a regional competition in the AIPLA Giles Sutherland Rich Moot Court Competition.