Recent News

UNM School of Law Alumnae Work Together on the Border Justice Initiative
March 21, 2022
The Border Justice Initiative (BJI) provides experiential service-learning opportunities to law students through legal representation of immigrants, particularly women and children, who have arrived at the southern border of the United States in flight from difficult conditions in their countries of origin.

UNM School of Law Featured in 2022 PreLaw Magazine
March 11, 2022
This year UNM School of Law was highlighted in preLaw Magazine for diversity and innovation; recognized as a top school for Native American students, the second top school for Hispanic students, and celebrated for the innovation behind the Border Justice Initiative and the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project.

Students and Professors Work Together on New Mexico Supreme Court Case
March 11, 2022
Professor Barbara Creel, along with students from the New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project, just argued a motion to reopen a record on a long-running case and to allow for DNA expertise. Over the course of the years, many individuals have worked tirelessly on this case. Students have assisted on research for the appellate briefing, helped review the records, volunteered their time to learn and practice the argument, craft questions, and research the cases on Exculpatory cited by the State, and the case briefs.

Talk by John Leshy hosted by Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program
March 2, 2022
On Tuesday, April 19, the Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program will be hosting a talk by John Leshy. Leshy's new book, Our Common Ground, published by Yale University Press, will be released on March 1. John Leshy is emeritus professor at U.C. Hastings College of the Law and former Solicitor (general counsel) of the U.S. Department of the Interior.