UNM School of Law Dean, a Community Engagement MVP
April 25, 2018 - Derek R. Sanchez (Class of ’19)

DENVER – University of New Mexico School of Law Co-Dean and Professor Alfred Mathewson was invited to present at the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law’s Faculty Colloquium on April 9, 2018. The colloquium, sponsored by the Modern Learning Program, focused on teaching and writing about race. Dean Mathewson lectured on contemporary issues in race and sports and on the incorporation of race in antitrust and corporate law. Dean Mathewson brings a wealth of experience and expertise to community engagement events, and events like the colloquium are all too familiar for Dean Mathewson.
Earlier in the year, Squire Patton Boggs law firm and the Washington Nationals Youth Baseball Academy hosted a conference in West Palm Beach, Florida to emphasize the importance of community involvement. The law firm and the Washington Nationals also called on Dean Alfred Mathewson to speak on his experiences and successes in reaching out to the New Mexico community.
Dean Mathewson has a broad range of experiences including over 35 years of professorship in business and sports law, guest lectures for both University of New Mexico and Georgetown University on several topics including Race, Rights, and Reparations and Africana Studies, and he serves on the Deans Council, the Academic Technologies Advisory Board and the UNM Economic Development Council.
Community involvement is nothing new to Dean Mathewson or University of New Mexico School of Law students. In fact, it is a curriculum requirement for students to participate in a clinical law program. Often, Dean Mathewson supervises the Economic Justice Clinic Program. It is no surprise that he would be involved in such a program.
“As a professor of the clinical program and dean of a law school, I have the rare opportunity to positively impact and shape our future legal community,” Dean Mathewson said. “There is no greater joy or prouder accomplishment than seeing these same students and future attorneys work tirelessly to bring about positive change in our communities as a whole.”
Throughout his career, Dean Mathewson promotes community engagement and expanding the law to include perspectives of diversity. Dean Mathewson’s involvement, vast experience, and steadfast leadership has bettered our community and inspired future generations of attorneys to continue this legacy.