Welcome New Faculty

August 31, 2023

Christy DeSanctis

new law school faculty member christy desanctis

  1. Christy has been a huge fan of the Irish rock band U2 for 40 years, and in 2021 she had the opportunity to guest-DJ a national radio program based on their amazing music.
  2. Christy does animal rescue work throughout NM: she is an elected official representing Santa Fe county on a shelter oversight committee currently working on establishing a statewide, low-cost spay/neuter program, and she is the vice president of the Board of Directors of an animal sanctuary in Glorieta. She has three rescued dogs and a rescued cat who thinks he is a dog.
  3. Christy has traveled extensively, including solo trips to Alaska and China; she also hiked the Inca Trail from Cuzco to Machu Picchu, a five-day trek that climbs from 8,000 to almost 14,000 ft, in altitude.
  4. Christy taught a Law and Literature class for ten years that featured a sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justice as an occasional co-teacher.
  5. Christy accidentally got caught up in a jewel smuggling ring on a train in the former Yugoslavia. Long story, but no one was hurt.

Scott England

new law school faculty member scott england

  1. Scott grew up in Columbia, Missouri, which is where the University of Missouri’s main campus is located. As a high school senior, he attended the infamous Fifth Down Game, in which the Colorado Buffaloes scored the winning touchdown on the fifth down. It is widely recognized as one of the worst officiating mistakes in sports history.
  2. Scott has been collecting vinyl records for 20 years, and now owns more than 1,000 records. His most treasured item is a box set of the Beatles’ albums in mono.
  3. Scott has a condition called aphantasia, which means that he cannot see images in my mind. He can dream, however, and his dreams are often quite vivid.
  4. Scott enjoys traveling and has visited more than 20 foreign countries. His favorite city is Istanbul.
  5. Scott moved to New Mexico just because he loves it here. He adores this state and feels lucky to call it home.