UNM Sends Two Teams to Animal Law Moot Court
March 7, 2011

Two teams from the University of New Mexico School of Law competed in the annual Animal Law Moot Court competition at Harvard Law School in late February. The teams of Caela Baker (`12) - Evie Jilek (`12) and Jessica Randall (`11) - Cristella Valdez (`12) represented UNM exceptionally well. Valdez was named Best Oral Advocate, along with a competitor from Florida A&M University College of Law.

During the four weeks of practices before oral arguments, the teams were judged by New Mexico Court of Appeals Judge Cynthia Fry (`81), UNM law professors Rob Schwartz, Ruth Kovnat and Michael Browde, local UNM School of Law alumni and many of their classmates.
“Their frequent practices and hard work paid off in outstanding arguments and steady and poised presentations,” said their coach, Professor Marsha Baum.