Professor Suzuki Co-Authors HIV & AIDS Benchbook Chapter
September 18, 2012

Professor Carol Suzuki has co-authored a chapter in the HIV & AIDS Benchbook, second edition, published by the American Bar Association. The book is designed to assist judges nationwide in resolving matters involving people living with HIV/AIDS.
The title of her chapter is, “Family Court Proceedings,” and her co-authors are Toni Holness and Carolyn McAllaster.
The benchbook, edited by Joshua Bachrach and Cynthia Knox, includes:
- An overview of public health basics, such as the nature of the HIV disease, HIV transmission, detection, prevention and treatment;
- Guidance on HIV testing and confidentiality;
- Federal, state, and local anti-discrimination laws protecting people living with HIV/AIDS;
- Discussion of courtroom management, criminal and civil court proceedings, and administrative proceedings;
- Appendices with historical and current reports, including ABA policies on HIV/AIDS and the National HIV/AIDS strategy.