UNM Law School holds first-ever Indian Estate Planning Clinic
April 22, 2015 - Tamara Williams

The first-ever Indian Estate Planning Clinic for Native American members will be held on Saturday, April 25 from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm at the UNM Law School, 1117 Stanford NE, Albuquerque 87131.
Free legal services will include preparations regarding federal trust property and Indian allotments.
Pre-registration is required
Attendance is limited and pre-registration is required and walk-ins are not allowed. Please Contact Kate Worthington at (505)277-3686 or by e‐mail at worthika@law.unm.edu before April 22 to pre‐register for clinic! For more information, see flyer.
Expertise in Indian law and estate planning
Services are being provided because the American Indian Probate Reform Act, a federal law that provides specific requirements for federal Indian trust property, requires expertise in Indian law and estate planning in order to competently serve the Native American client in many situations.
Volunteer Attorney Program
The Southwest Indian Law Clinic has embarked upon a year-long training, recruitment and service project in collaboration with the New Mexico State Bar and the Volunteer Lawyers Program.
State judges, attorneys and State bar staff have come together at the request of SILC to be trained in the law and to provide this free service of drafting wills for Native Americans.