Scott Woody appointed to national ABA Law Student Division position
May 26, 2016 - Tamara Williams

Scott Woody ('17) was recently appointed liaison between the ABA Law Student Division and the ABA Section of Taxation.
Scott Woody (’17) was recently appointed the ABA Law Student Division Liaison to the Section of Taxation.
As liaison, Woody’s goal is to build relationships with the leadership of his section, help the group develop content, programs and events for law students focused on the group’s special expertise, and report progress back to the Division.
One of the many benefits of the position is that it will enable Woody to make connections for himself and other UNM Law School students with experienced ABA lawyer members.
Woody came under the ABA tax law spotlight in January, when he and Frank Cardoza (’16) won the ABA’s national tax law competition. The duo defeated 65 teams nationwide, winning best overall and best written submission (see “UNM law students win national tax law competition”).
“The appointment is an honor and a continuation of the work Frank Cardoza and I put in last fall,” says Woody. “The appointment also demonstrates that a UNM Law School education is held in high esteem at a national level. The quality of the faculty and the individualized attention from the small class sizes do make a difference.”
Professor Mary Leto Pareja said, “Scott is a wonderful pick for this role. He will work with the ABA’s Section of Taxation on behalf of not only UNM Law students, but all law students from across the country. I am very proud that a UNM student has been selected for this nationally important role.”