KANW Presents an Evening of Entertainment with Dr. Michael Olivas
December 20, 2016 - Tamara Williams

Professor Michael A. Olivas, University of Houston Law Center
A KANW Evening of Entertainment Law and The Law of Rock and Roll, with Michael A. Olivas
January 20, 2017, 6:30 pm
Robertson & Sons Violin Shop Recital Hall, 3201 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110
This program will be very unusual and instructive. Designed for both lawyers and non-lawyers, it will be an overview of many aspects of entertainment law, focusing on copyright/trademark/trade dress/service marks, and other essential features. It will also address the relationships among artist and personal manager, artist and agent, artist and record producer, and artist and motion picture producer.
Other areas explored will be the right of publicity and performer's rights; and protection of ideas by several legal theories. An additional interest is the growth of border music and Northern New Mexico music and legal issues arising in that genre, such as narcocorridos.
As befits the subject matter, it will be an entertaining evening that features New Mexico native son Michael Olivas, who will draw upon his own journey into this field, beginning with his earliest introduction in sneaking away to attend a Little Richard concert at Albuquerque’s old Civic Auditorium when he was a boy, an experience that began a lifelong love affair with this music.
He has a popular radio show on the Albuquerque, NM, National Public Radio station KANW, "The Law of Rock and Roll" (SM), where each week, he reviews legal developments in music and entertainment law, appearing as "The Rock and Roll Law Professor." (SM): http://www.lawofrockandroll.com/.
The event is a fundraiser for KANW and all proceeds will support KANW programming. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by state and federal law.
One hour of NM CLE credit is available at no extra cost, and this event will be a learning and enjoyable experience.
It will be co-sponsored with the University of New Mexico School of Law, the New Mexico Hispano Music Association, Inc., and the NM Hispanic Bar Association.
Anyone wishing to sponsor law student attendance may also buy extra tickets and they will be distributed. All current members of the NMHBA will be entitled to a $5 discount, as the organization is generously underwriting the cost of CLE.
Preregistration is recommended: Tickets will be $30 in advance, and $40 at the door.
For additional information, please contact KANW by phone: 505-242-7163 or by email: kanw@aps.edu