Professor Gloria Valencia-Weber returns to Harvard as plenary panelist for "A Celebration of Latino Alumni"
February 24, 2017 - Tamara Williams

Professor Emerita Gloria Valencia-Weber is returning to her alma mater, Harvard Law School, to participate as a panelist in the plenary session for “A Celebration of Latino Alumni.”
The conference will take place at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, MA from March 2-5, 2017.
Valencia-Weber will join other Latino law School deans and professors to give the plenary session, “How is the Academy Doing?”
At Harvard, Valencia-Weber was the Comments Editor for the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review and was an initial C. Clyde Ferguson International Human Rights Fellow.
She is a Regents Professor at UNM and the founding director of the Indian Law Certificate Program.
In 2010, President Obama appointed her to the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation, the single largest funder of civil legal services for low income Americans.