Child and Family Justice Clinic helps middle school families prepare for immigration emergencies
April 26, 2017 - Sarah Steadman

Given the current climate of fear among undocumented families, how can parents safeguard their children? Are there any legal tools that serve as a safety net and don’t involve going to court?
Students in the UNM School of Law Child and Family Justice Clinic (CFJC) recently addressed these questions and more to 500 middle school students at Van Buren Middle School, many from undocumented families.
CFJC students developed, presented and distributed an Immigration Emergency Child Safety Plan kit (the students also translated it into Spanish) designed to help immigrant families prepare for immigration emergencies – such as the detention or deportation of a family member, just as families would plan in case of a natural disaster.

The kit contains information, legal forms and lists of important documents and information used to create an emergency-preparedness plan. “The emphasis is not on being scared, or heightening fears, but on being prepared and aiming to address our client's and our community's anxiety,” says Visiting Professor Sarah Steadman, who teaches the CFJC.
"We know that families are facing a lot of fear and anxiety in today's immigration climate; by helping them develop a plan we can help ease some of those anxieties,” says Phil Davies.
The CFJC is focused on serving at-risk children and families who face racial and social injustice, including hostility in the current political climate regarding their immigration status. CFJC students will continue educating the community and distributing the plan to clinic clients, community groups and service providers.
CFJC students who participated were Phil Davies, Lisa Giandomenico, Isabella Pacheco, Josh Alt, Adam Oakey and Joe Thiel.
“It's been an incredibly rewarding experience giving people practical tools that they can use to keep their families safe," says Davies.