Prof. Kastenberg quoted in San Francisco Chronicle
April 19, 2017 - Tamara Williams

UNM School of Law Professor Joshua E. Kastenberg was quoted in a San Francisco Chronicle article about the legality of President Trump’s recent order for a missile strike on a Syrian airfield.
Bob Egelko interviewed several military legal experts for his article, “Experts see Trump strike as illegal unless U.S. under threat or U.N authorizes.”
He incudes some of Kastenberg’s comments in the following paragraphs:
A contrasting view came from Joshua Kastenberg, a former military lawyer and Department of Defense adviser who now teaches law at the University of New Mexico. He said Trump could probably justify the action, under both domestic and international law, as a way to
“Using guided missiles to send a message ... may be an absolutely dumb and wrongheaded thing to do as a matter of policy,” and as a matter of respect should have been discussed first with Congress, Kastenberg said. But he said the law permits a single, unilateral missile strike “to prevent a human rights violation.”