MALSA Matanza 2019
October 28, 2019 - Leslie Villagomez Turner

This year's Matanza is on November 9, 2019. Mark your calendars and save the date!
Matanzas are a wonderful and unique tradition in Hispanic culture. The Matanza provides an enriching cultural experience for students. And, by combining it with an alumni reception, students get a chance to connect and network with the alumni community while enjoying the unique flavors and experience of a traditional Matanza. Every year, MALSA teams up with partners at the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association to bring the tradition of Matanzas to the students at UNM School of Law. In 2015, the annual Matanza was combined a with Siempre Malser@s alumni reception to streamline programming.
Visit for more information, to view previous Matanza photos, and to learn more about MASLA at the UNM School of Law.