Law School's Not-for-Profit Art Gallery invites submissions
August 2, 2015 - Jim Williams

The UNM School of Law Not-for-Profit Art Gallery invites all artists who are UNM faculty or alumni, as well as friends of the Law School, to submit their art for consideration for the September 2015 exhibition.
The gallery features art of varied mediums from artists including students, faculty, alumni and friends of the law school and the university.
Professor Sherri Burr heads the law school’s Art Committee and is host of ARTS TALK, a weekly television she produces and hosts. Aside from the intrinsic value of having art in the School of Law and the goal of funding a scholarship, Burr says there's another important reason for the art gallery: "An art enriched environment is conducive to learning."
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Thursday, August 27 by 12:00 pm.
EXHIBITION DATES: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 — February, 2016
ELIGIBILITY: This Exhibition is open to artists who are University of New Mexico faculty and alumni, as well as friends of the Law School. Work in any media will be considered. All sub-mitted work must fit into the designated space within the School of Law forum. If selected, the work must be framed for display on walls or appropriately presented for our display case. Potential artists are encouraged to visit the UNM School of Law forum to view the space. The forum is open weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The UNM Law School Art Committee reserves the right of approval for all art that shows in its gallery.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Email up to five (5) digital images of submissions to Robert Flink-man at by Thursday, August 27, 2015, at noon. Image files should be in .jpg format. Please include title, media, year, dimensions, and approximate price of your work. In addition to the .jpg images, please include a brief artist statement (up to 100 words) in the body of the email.
COMMISSION FEE: The artist sets the price. The first $150 of the price is split 50/50 between the Artist and the Art Gallery. Any amount above $150 is split 75/25 to the Artist and Gallery respectively. The Gallery’s share is considered a donation to support the work of the Gallery.
CONTACTS: Professor Sherri Burr, Chair of the Art Committee, 277-5650,; Robert Flinkman, 277-8648,