Upcoming CLE by UNM School of Law Professor Kevin Washburn to shed light on enlisting tribal government in public lands management
Contact: Tamara Williams
Phone: 505.277.9504
Email: williams@law.unm.edu
March 29, 2017

While some westerners clamor for “restoring public lands to the states,” it may be time for more serious consideration of restoring some management functions over public lands to the governments from whom these lands were taken.
Professor Kevin Washburn will shed light on this in a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) titled “Enlisting Tribal Governments in Public Lands Management” on April 11 from 5:00 – 6:30 pm at the UNM School of Law, Room 2402.
Washburn will discuss the laws authorizing tribal contracts and the practical challenges for tribes and the federal government in implementing these initiatives in the public lands context.
This program has been approved by the New Mexico Minimum Continuing Legal Education Board for 1.0 General hours of credit.
The Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program and the Utton Center are presenting this lecture. No advance registration is required, but a NM State Bar number is required to receive credit.
Parking at the event is FREE in the Law School "L" parking lot starting at 4:00 p.m.
For more information, please contact Laura at 505-277-3253.
About Professor Washburn
Kevin Washburn has returned to the UNM School of Law as Regents Professor and is a former dean of the UNM School of Law. He served as the Senate-confirmed Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Interior in the second term of the Obama Administration in Washington, D.C., from 2012–2016. In that role, he was the highest-ranking official for federal Indian policy, overseeing nearly 8,000 employees of the Bureaus of Indian Affairs and Indian Education, and a budget that reached $2.8 billion during his leadership.