UNM School of Law hosts Regional Indigenous Consultation with UN Special Rapporteur
Contact: Tamara Williams
Phone: 505.277.9504
Email: williams@law.unm.edu
February 7, 2017

The United Nations Special Rapporteur, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, is currently visiting the United States attending a series of regional consultations to examine how indigenous peoples are experiencing energy development in their areas.
The University of New Mexico School of Law is hosting the Special Rapporteur’s visit during a Regional Indigenous Consultation focusing on energy development on Saturday, February 25, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Room 2401 at the UNM School of Law, located at 1117 Stanford, N.E. in Albuquerque. Parking is free at the law school "L" lot on weekends.
Tribes, indigenous peoples, and non-governmental organizations are encouraged to register for the event here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1h_91hKDS4XQfOrWDcy0LpDA9N7O6P_OrrzjzdwqZZ7w/edit
Participants have the opportunity to present their cases and issues of concern, indicate the topics they are most interested in hearing about, and share any relevant documents with the Special Rapporteur prior to the regional consultation by using the online form above. Documents will also be collected on site.
For questions about the UNM School of Law event, please contact Associate Dean Christine Zuni Cruz, Email: zunich@law.unm.edu or Mitzi Vigil, Program Administrator, Law & Indigenous Peoples Program, (505) 277-0405 Email: vigil@law.unm.edu