UNM Law School announces three faculty promotions
Contact: Tamara Williams
Phone: 505.277.9504
Email: williams@law.unm.edu
August 18, 2015
The University of New Mexico School of Law is proud to announce that three of our outstanding faculty have received promotions: Camille Carey to Professor, Yael Zakai Cannon to Associate Professor, and Alex Ritchie to Associate Professor.
Carey and Cannon teach in the law school’s pioneering, mandatory Clinical Program that trains students how to practice law. Ritchie teaches in the Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program, known for its multidisciplinary approach and robust faculty.

Professor Camille Carey
Carey teaches the Community Lawyering Clinic and the Law Practice Clinic, as well as the Domestic Violence Writing Seminar, Immigrants' Rights Writing Seminar, Practicum, and Torts. Her research and teaching interests include immigration, immigrant rights, family law, domestic violence, feminist legal theory and torts.
“As noted by her students and colleagues, Professor Carey is an enthusiastic professor who artfully balances her high standards with her approachable demeanor and availability,” says UNM Law School professor April Land, formerly the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs. “She commands respect for her teaching, and for her scholarship and service.”

Professor Yael Cannon
Cannon teaches the Community Lawyering Clinic, Children’s Advocacy, and the UNM Chapter of the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project, a civics education program for high school students. Her research interests focus on children’s law and disability rights, with a particular focus on social determinants of health and well-being affecting children living in poverty.
“Professor Cannon’s students, her multidisciplinary partners, and scholars, as well as the law faculty with whom she works, appreciate her dedication to teaching, her leadership, her contributions to scholarship on children’s law, and her profound and unwavering commitment to the disadvantaged and voiceless,” says Land.

Professor Alex Ritchie
Ritchie teaches oil and gas law and other natural resources courses, as well as property and business associations. His research interests focuses on oil and gas law, with particular emphasis on conflicts between private interest owners and between public and private interests in oil and gas development.
“Alex Ritchie's good work as a teacher and scholar is built on his years of success in practice,” says Keleher & McLeod Professor Reed Benson, who focuses on water law and environmental issues. “He is one of the leaders of a new generation of oil and gas professors.”
About the University of New Mexico School of Law
The UNM School of Law offers the Juris Doctor (JD) program and certificates in Indian Law and in Natural Resources and Environmental Law. New Mexico???s only law school offers a 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio and is known nationwide for its pioneering, required Clinical Law Program. Frequently rated as one of the most popular and most diverse law schools in the country, the UNM Law School is a member of the Association of American Law Schools and is approved by the American Bar Association.